A fee of $7.99 will be applied to all orders within the United States.
- Handling Time: All orders are processed within 3-5 business days.
- Transit Time: After processing, your order will be shipped and is expected to arrive within 3-5 business days.
Return & Refund
- You have 21 days from the delivery date to return an item. To be eligible for a return, the item must be unused, in its original packaging, and include a receipt or proof of purchase.
- To initiate a return, email us at [email protected] with your order number, the product you want to return, and the reason for the return. We will provide you with detailed return instructions and a return label.
- Please send your returned item to: 1209 Mountain Road Pl NE # 4949, Albuquerque, NM 87110, United States. Once we receive and inspect the item, we will process your refund within 10 business days, if approved.
- Make your own: Personalize your mug with our unique designs! A perfect gift for your beloved friends, relative, family members and more. You can gift these floral designed custom mugs as a house warming present on occasions like Christmas, Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, gift for grandma.
- Quality: Our mugs are made from the quality ceramics. The mugs are dishwasher safe and microwave safe. This print is permanent on mug and fade proof. Your custom gift comes with a protective box that protects the fragile mug from any external effect and ensures its safe delivery.
- Delivery: Your mug is custom-printed using advanced sublimation technology, ensuring vibrant colors and durability. Your design will remain intact and vibrant with proper care.
- Color and size options: 9 Colors to choose from White, Black, Navy Blue, Light Blue, Light Green, Orange, Pink, Red. And 11 oz or 15 oz size options.
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